I realize I haven't been updating this very often. The summer gets us all crazy with vacations, time outside, and just life in general.
That doesn't mean I haven't thought about it!! I really have thought, as before, that little life lessons would be great to write about... and yet and yet....
I ended up waiting, and now here we are. Back at a very significant week of the year. This year it's even more significant. When my Father passed away, six years ago, the day of the week was a Friday just as it will be this year. And so, I've decided to do a daily tribute for the days of the week until we reach Friday, February 10th, to honour him and share the significance of each day as I remember them to be with him.
One of my New Years' Resolutions this year was to be more grateful. And there is nothing I am more grateful for than the weeks and weeks and weeks that turned into 21 years of time with my Father. Time I only now continue to appreciate more and more. He is so much a part of me, not only physically, but in all the ways that make me who I am today.
As today is Sunday, and most Calendars actually begin the week on Sundays, I thought this was a good place to start.
To my Father, Sundays were exactly as I believe they were meant to be - family days. Dad was a religious man, and so we often began the day with a trip to church. While I still have mixed feelings about religion, I do believe there is a God, and I do believe him to be kind, and loving, and I do believe my father now rests in peace.
After church, we would go home and have lunch, often a bowl of soup or sandwiches. From there we would endeavour to do something as a family. A walk down in Bowness. A trip to Elbow Falls. Skiing. In the summer, there was always a festival to go to. It's funny, because as I was growing up, I didn't like doing activities outdoors. And yet, after I lost Dad, I seem to enjoy it that much more. He was definitely an outdoors man. And now I know why I am always antsy to do some sort of family activity on Sundays. It's because of the years of Dad upholding the tradition of Family Sundays.
Today is Superbowl Sunday. A big day in the States, and a big day to hang out with friends, eat chicken wings, and watch sports and funny commercials. I remember a similar such Sunday when Dad was still in the hospital when my family was invited over to a neighbours house to watch the game. I was visiting my mom that weekend when I got a call from the neighbour's son telling me that Dad had been given a day pass and was going to be attending the party. I was over there immediately. I'll never forget the pleased look on his face when I joined everyone at the table.
Enjoy Superbowl today! Enjoy time with friends! Enjoy time with family! Give your loved and cherished ones an extra squeeze today. Not because you don't know how much time you have with them, though that is true. But just because we have today. Because they are in your life, and are sharing time with you today. Enjoy today. Enjoy Sunday.
Very inspriring Erin, I'll definitely follow your posts in the coming week! HUG