Once again, Wednesdays weren't particularly significant for Dad and I per se. I do remember, however, that Dad often had breakfast meetings on Wednesday. This would entail getting up super early, and meeting a group of other business people downtown at a restaurant for a chance to network, and have breakfast.
I remember one time, probably around the beginning of May, when I was in College. I had finished schoolwork for the year, and was on the move looking for a job. There was a job fair downtown at "Hire-a-Student" that I attended. I dressed up in a skirt suit and felt very professional. When I was finished with the job fair, I called Dad. I told him I was downtown, and since it was around lunch time thought we could go for lunch. He was thrilled. I think his exact words were "that's a GREAT idea!!" Turns out, Dad had a lunch meeting - similar to his breakfast meetings just later in the day.
It worked out well for both of us. We both had lunch, and we both got to network. I remember feeling slightly unsure about having to stand up and say my talents and skills, but I also knew it was a great opportunity I couldn't pass up. I didn't end up getting a position through that meeting, but what I did get was experience. And the chance to public speak in front of strangers is always character building. That, and I got to have lunch with Dad.
Another thing I remember Dad doing on Wednesdays (once the breakfast meetings slowed down) was get up early and go swimming. For any of you close to Dad, you know he loved to swim, and he was very good at it. Very ironic then, that both his kids hated it. I took years to pass the first color in swimming because I was so terrified to put my head under water. It was the first time I ever refused the teachers. When Adam had swimming lessons at school, he used to hide his swimsuit in the garage so he wouldn't have to go! Poor Dad. No lifeguards in training here that's for sure.
Dad did try, though, to get me involved with Scuba Diving. This was obviously once I was older, and had passed all my swimming lessons. We took the Scuba lessons together - another thing Dad endeavored to do with his kids. Had Adam been older, I'm sure he would've been in there too. Sadly, I wasn't quite cut out for the Scuba thing either... I did the classroom and pool stuff just fine, but when we hit the lake, I had some panic moments. Dad was very patient (as you all know him to be) and we tried several times, but it just didn't work out. He ended up going out a few times with a friend of his, but it was not meant as one of our activities...
Another Wednesday - sometime in July, 2003, Dad suggested we go down to the Arbour Lake (community man-made Lake) and go fishing. Apparently, the lake had just been stocked, and it was one of those perfect Calgary evenings in the summer where the wind was still, the lake like glass, and the silence echoing. I choke up a bit when I think about it. Precious moments that you look back on. We caught so many fish that night. You are only allowed to take three at any given time from the lake, but we caught probably 5 or 6. It was like it was just us, out on the lake with the sun slowly setting, and the fish jumping all around. I don't even think Dad had finished baiting his hook before I caught the first one. I'll never forget his laugh... we laughed so much that night... Not the least of which when we were called over the intercom to come to shore. We guiltily looked at each other - worried we'd exceeded the two hour time limit to have the boat out, when we saw Adam on the shore waving frantically at us. Dad sped up the rowing, alarmed by the look of urgency we saw on Adam's face. When we got within shouting distance, to Dad's relief, Adam asked loudly a technical question about the computer. Oh the emergencies of a 12 year old!! (Sorry Dude!)
It was a beautiful evening. It was a beautiful Wednesday. It's funny - while I was never with Dad by the Ocean, being there always reminds me of him. And I think it's because of Dad's love of the water. Most of my Wednesday stories involved swimming and water activities. He loved the lake - he'd go and swim to the fountains and back. He loved the Okanagan Lake, and would swim in that too. He loved the water, and now, I feel closest to him when I am near the ocean, or by a lake. I think there are many studies about water and it's healing properties. Do try and get near lakes and oceans when you can. And say Hi to my Dad while you are there :)
Enjoy today. Enjoy Wednesday.
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